Photo Editing
Table of Contents
Check out this video on editing photos:
If YouTube is blocked on your current browser, Click Here.
If you need to edit photos in your yearbook, there are a few features in the designer that can benefit you.
How to Edit Images:
To edit a photo, you must first click on an image you have placed on the page, or place an image onto the page. You can place an image by just dropping it on the page from your uploaded photos or you can first place a “drop photo here” box from shapes.
You will know your image is selected when the quick menu pops up next to it and it has a red box around it.
Add a Drop Shadow
Click the drop shadow button from the Frame drop-down menu in the top toolbar, and a drop shadow will appear around the edges of the photo.
You can edit the color and opacity of the drop shadow by by going to frame settings on the side and going under “border, fill and drop shadow”.
For example, I changed the opacity to 100 and the color to pink so now my photo looks like this.
Rounded Corners
Select the Frame drop-down menu from the top toolbar, and choose the Add Rounded Corners option to add rounded corners to a frame.
Your photo will now have rounded off corners.
Change Shape
You can change the shape of your photo by going to frame, transform, then assign shape.
After clicking Assign Shape, in the pop up, you can select your new shape. Once you select your shape, it will reflect on the page.
Once your shape is selected, you can edit where the photo goes in the shape to make sure you are not cutting anything off. To do so, go to photo settings, then change the fit to manual so you can move the image within the frame. You can also change the photo size by clicking and dragging the blue dots.
For my photo, I changed my shape to a circle.
Border Color
You can add a border color to any image, clip-art, shape, or text box in the EDOnline designer. First select the object you would like to add a border to, then click on the icon that looks like a marker in the top toolbar.
Choose any color from the drop down menu. You can also increase the border thickness by changing the number next to the marker icon.
Re-size your photo, and apply filters to it by using the crop/edit button located on the top of the Quick Menu.
Once you have elected to crop/edit a photo, you will be taken to the edit photo screen, as shown below.
To crop the photo, click on the gray squares outlining the edges of the photo. This will allow you to drag the outline and fit the photo to the desired shape and determine the focus point. This will only crop your photo in a square/rectangle.
You can also rotate your photo, flip it horizontally and vertically. Be sure to click the save button when you are done making your changes.
Next to the Rotate/Crop tab is the Edit tab. You can do simple photo editing techniques like increase brightness, contrast, and add saturation. You can also apply filters such as Gray or Sepia. Again, be sure to save your changes before closing the photo editing window. Once you hit save, your changes will reflect on the page.
Click here to read more about how to clip a photo in the designer. Clipping can remove backgrounds and crop your photos differently than just in a rectangle!