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Check this out to know how to generate a QR code easily inside your yearbook: Your browser does not support HTML5 video. If YouTube is blocked on your current browser, Click Here. QR Codes Create your own 2-dimensional barcode and display it in your yearbook to share videos, websites, advertisements, etc. When you scan the code, the event can load
If you want to crop your photos in EDOnline and learn the crop keyboard shortcut follow these steps: Part 1) How to crop a photo To start, let’s refresh on how to crop a photo: Step 1) Select the photo you would like to crop and in the quick menu select “Crop/Edit” Step 2) Once you have elected to crop/edit a photo, you will be taken to the edit pho
It is always good practice to save and save often. It can be nerve racking if you’ve done a lot of work on your page and you lose everything! If you forget to click SAVE, then we have a backup ready for you that we call Safety Save. Barring unforeseen circumstances like a loss of internet connection or other computer issues, the Safety Save featu
Entourage offers the option to have your books shipped individually to people’s home rather than sending the order via bulk to one location, usually the school. If you’d like to use this option, we’ll need to get the addresses for everyone you’d like us to ship to. The easiest way to collect addresses is to use a spreadsheet to gather people’s addre
When will my books be delivered? Your books will be delivered on the date you select in Step 3. If rush is available you will be able to select a sooner delivery date for an additional fee. *Rush dates are subject to availability Where will my books be delivered? Books will be delivered in bulk to the address you fill out on your approval form
Adding shapes to your yearbook can give your project visual interest and flair. In this article we will go over how to add shapes to your page. How to Add Shape Elements to the Page Click on the Shape button under Insert Items section of the left toolbar in the designer. You will see 2 types of shapes. Regular shapes are colored black. Once you plac
To access this feature, click the Sell tab, select Manage Yearbook Sales. then click the button labeled “Set Up Online Sales“. If you haven’t already set up your online sales page before, and you’re looking to sell yearbooks online in our LINK store, click here. The last feature in the setup page is now the eYearbook Add-On. Switching on this featur
Designing a yearbook can be frustrating and time consuming. We would like to help you! For the best and most optimum performance please follow these minimum requirements for using EDOnline: Internet Browsers we support: Google Chrome: 50 or higher (RECOMMENDED) Download Here Firefox: 46 or higher (RECOMMENDED) Download Here Microsoft Edge: 24 or
Your browser does not support HTML5 video. For more information about inserting clip art, as well as inserting backgrounds and templates, watch this quick how-to video! If YouTube is blocked on your current browser, Click Here. Browse our gallery of clip art available to insert onto your page to give it a more distinctive look. There’s a wide varie
Learn about how to find and apply our theme templates in EdoNEXT Finding Themes under Templates EdoNEXT has a large library of full book themes available in our template library. You can pick and choose which templates you place to customize your book. You will find templates from cover designs to people pages to collage page designs! To find your t
Watch A Video! Watch this quick how to video on designing a page inside EDOnext: From your account’s home page: Navigate to the Create Tab in your main account dashboard. Click on the first option, EDOnext – Page Design, as shown below. 3. You will begin at the Welcome Page where you can see: -Helpful links to our E-Guides -Your recent phot
For more information about templates, as well as backgrounds and clip art, watch this helpful video! Your browser does not support HTML5 video. We offer large galleries of Templates and Backgrounds to choose from. You can bookmark templates and backgrounds or save a designed page as a custom template. Follow these steps to insert any template ont
Your browser does not support HTML5 video. If youtube is blocked on your browser Click Here Cover Guidelines: Any text that you want on your cover should be within the purple safety zone . Any text outside the safety zone may be cut off. If you have a background, it should be pulled all the way out to the red bleed line. The blue lines in th